
About Meredith

Meredith-Nelson-Independent-Consultant-Raleigh-NCMeredith Nelson is an independent management consultant based in Raleigh, North Carolina, who is passionate about helping clients see different perspectives and working with them to solve problems to achieve results.  She specializes in:

  • facilitation
  • resource reviews
  • organizational assessment

Meredith started her consulting career with KPMG, and subsequently worked for PricewaterhouseCoopers and IBM.  Her main client was the federal government of Canada and she worked on assignments for a variety of departments ranging from Environment Canada to the Canadian Space Agency to Human Resources and Development.

Working primarily in the public sector helped Meredith learn the importance of understanding a client’s unique mission and goals:  every department defines “bottom-line” differently, making if difficult to apply one-size fits all solutions.

When her children were small, she took a break from the corporate side of consulting and focused instead on working with a variety of non-profits.  In a range of roles from Treasurer, to administrator to communications specialist Meredith has continued to hone her consulting skills while gaining a solid understanding of the challenges non-profits face in a highly competitive environment.

Having lived in the United States for almost ten years, Meredith has come to enjoy continually seeing things from a different perspective.  In 2012 she participated in a forum run by the Globe and Mail, Canada’s national newspaper.  Meredith wrote opinion pieces on a variety of issues in an effort to help give the Canadian audience insight into the American system.  She also participated in a series of live, on-line, interactive commentary sessions.  She continues to provide her expat perspective on an issue by issue basis.

Meredith has a B.A.(hons) in History and Economics from McGill University in Montreal and an M. Litt. in Modern History from Oxford University, as well as a Masters degree in historical research, also from Oxford.  Her education is ongoing, however, for in her role as lead household manager she continues to learn more facilitating the lives of her husband and three children than she ever thought possible.